"Green Gold" Original Acrylic Sunflower Painting
"Green Gold" Original Acrylic Sunflower Painting
Green Gold
6"x8", Acrylic, 2024
Painting comes varnished, unframed and hang-ready
Green Gold, like many of my sunflower pieces, was created to prepare for the annual Coppal House Farm Sunflower Festival. I used this piece to explore the possibilities within a limited color palette, using only four paints: titanium white, green gold, naphthol crimson, and ivory black. I found green gold, a blend by Liquitex, to have amazing versatility when mixed with the other colors. A bit of white pulled it into a cool yellow, while a touch of magenta warmed it up enough to pass for a sunflower or even an orange when needed. Mixed with ivory black, green gold deepened into lush greenery. It even helped me warm the white into a slight cream color. In the context of the other colors, black acted as blue, and I found myself with a vibrant and beautiful piece despite missing two of the typical primary colors.