"Nature in Full Color"

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Come find me

Represented by BayView Artisan Gallery, Meredith, NH

Retail stores:

Gilmanton's Own Market, 741 Province Rd, Gilmanton, NH

Manchester Craft Market, inside the Mall of NH, 1500 S. Willow St. Manchester, NH

Maple Street Mercantile, 902 Main Street, Contoocook, NH

Queerlective at popup events and within Art Alley Cats/DIY Craft and Thrift, Concord, NH

Juried gallery shows and market events now in calendar below

A painterly piece of artwork titled Strawberry Hens. Shown are three hens, two red flanking one white, all examining a pile of ripe strawberries. The painting has a warm, pinkish feel.

Chicken People Club

Patreon members pay just $5 a month to be the first to have a new card from a new chicken painting, right in their mailbox. This helps to keep me painting and you to get your chicken fix!

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